I’ve made two trenches of hedge/bocage style cover for the table, and wanted to share both what and how I’d put them together. be warned though they fall into the “quick and dirty” camp, so might not be for everyone.
So these were the first hedges I made, allright, but not very inspiring, I thought I could do better. these are a cheap scouring pad, a bit of hardboard for the base, some aquarium gravel and some styrene to build the gate. static grass on the base, flock on the scouring pad, job done.. I photographed the build of the next batch I made, and also made some improvements.
I made them shorter sections for a start..
The stone walls are built up with hot glue and aquarium gravel.
Dump a bunch of the gravel out into a tray or suchlike
run a bead of hot glue on the board….
Dunk, and allow a second for the glue to cool and bite…
run another bead of glue atop the pile, dunk again.. repeat until desired hieght is reached, then shake off any loose ones…
I glues a few tree armatures and scouring pad bushes into some of the sections
and that’s it, very quick very easy.. paint them, flock them, add clump, bushes etc
the final product looks like this:
and yes, regular reader theese are the “new” trees from part 2 of my treesperiments, more on them, next post!
Thanks for reading.. till next time