
Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Tau Riptide

I might need you to be a bit gentle with me, cos i’m feeling quite rusty, and there are a few things here i’m not happy with, but then my pictures are always extremely close and high rez and totally unforgiving :)


I need to thank the owner of this model, cos doing this form start to finish, starting with him with me, and finishing it off later, has properly got me fired up about painting again. I think mainly because i have a LOT in progress, and I've been picking at bits here and there, and doing things by the squad or putting batches together, and its made the accomplishment a long time coming.


This model went together so well, the new CAD designed kits just get better and better.

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Colours were chosen to fit in with the army, which i hope this will, and that i haven't strayed too far.

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A model this size deserves a few close ups, even if they do show some of the shaky work :)

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And the secondary weapon systems are magnetised so that things can be tried out :)

Well there you have  it, and actual post with pictures, – wonders will never cease.

I’ve some pictures of ww2 reinforcements that didn't get posted, and a AAR in note form here somewhere, I'm also working on things i have of other peoples that i feel guilty for having had for so long and not finished. you know who you are.

there are some wolves on the block too, – I'm hoping to “finish” the wolves before guard or orks get a new codex and models, cos that could be uguly :)

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

I won Summat!


THis shall be used in the spirit of the contest to aquire those ww2 skirmish rules and play them out with the 28mm stuff that was the subject of the last few posts, so thanks awfully to Mike and witch for my first foray into toofatlardies rules, something ive eyed up often before but not got stuck into.

I'll also work on a state of the hobby post to go up in the next day or two, as ive started to get my feet wet a bit, last academic year was just such a killer and several events in my personal life, while wonderful, have taken up some of my time too.
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