I'm also happy that the cadian models will fall in with these as inducted guard and agan work with the scale. to me it wouldnt be right having normal guard (cadians) be bigger than ST's (DKoK) which they are.
so, lot's of progress, where to start. - okay these guys..

are the two sages and some servitor skulls for familiars. i could have made sages but i really like that model, so the twins will have to try to get along with each other :)
i've decided all my squad leaders are getting a shoulder tabard. i'm not sure why; it just seemed right. i hope it will help prevent these guys looking just like SM scouts. i'm actually quite worried about that aspect of the force.

next! I fixed the hunchback, Vladimir illych (i think he looks like Lenin) has a much reduced back now.

and now onto new stuff.. I made a trooper. I need to look for some very small plastic rod, the plastruct I have here is too big, with it I'll make a wire stock or two for some weapon variety.

I also completed the trio of heavy bolter guys for the Lord's retinue this first guy was an experiment with putting a little variety into the bolter stance, I added a strap to increase beleiveability.

and this guy is thier leader, pure fluff as they are counts as servitors, but I thought it looked cool :)

thats it for the finished stuff, still WiP are this elite =][=

he's just waiting on GS now
and my Lord himself, the most problematic so far, his posture balance is off, I hope I can fix it with his cloak if not he's going to have to come apart at the waist to be reposed.

as always very keen to hear what people have to say. on a related note, I'm seriously considering not bothering with B&C anymore, page views go up but no-one says anything. :(