Or indeed any different at all :)
How I feel – well I feel like I got the gold a bit warmer, and a bit more contrasty- which it needed. I feel like there is more range and contrast in the greys of his armour. His face also is more varied, the osl worked better and the mini, to me, feels more “together”
Ultimately that’s what I’m after.
Things I’m still shaky on – well I used blood. I don't normally do that, well, ever, but a space wolf with a chainsword, it kinda felt like I had to. I tried not to overdo it.
I’d like still to have a little more variance in the red shoulder pad colour. and well the 3d chapter badges are a bit rough for my liking, but I’m going to live with them.
other issues- overall his face is maybe too dark and the “bone” on the skulls came out a tad rough.
But I count it an improvement on the last one, and if I can get the whole army to this kind of standard, I’ll be happy enough. this guy took about 8-10 hours. I can live with that too.
I’d be very interested in your comments on how you all think this compares with the last guy, and whether it’s all in my head or not :)
Next up is a bike test, then a batch paint of grey hunters, I think I can manage 4 at a time to this kind of level. let’s see eh? :)