Have shelter, will travel. I was fortunate enough to visit with Mr Zzzzzz again recently for a game with himself and the good Drax.
we had a lovely dense table, and each took a 525 pt force., Drax used my Orks, I took some of Mr Zzzzzz’s Eldar for nostalgia (Eldar were one of my first armies back in RT/2nd ed) and our Host used the beautifully modelled and painted Krieg.
Embracing the sneaky way of the Eldar, I deployed on the commander (a corsair prince) and his bodyguard with everything else in reserve, hoping the greenskins and Mon-Keigh would wipe each other out and I could mop up the survivors.
(everything else – two squads of corsairs and a harlequin squad)
Suffice to say the Guard di what they do best, which is die in lumps, valiantly, the Eldar failed to impress in close combat though shooting secured me a close second, and the orks did what orks do, walk toward the enemy firing wildly then chop em to bits in CC.. Drax carried the day on a green tide.
What follows are remembrancer documents of the day..
Kreig taking position
Sadly the Ork are already close by..
Valiant cavalry valiantly cavalrying.
The barricades are manned..
But the Green tide rises.
At this point my corsair price escalated matters by using his 1-shot orbital strike on the PBHI (poor bloody human infantry)
And still, they come.

Kreig forces move up
Under the watchful eye of their heavy support.
but its all in vain as the building is swarmed by Ork.
Meanwhile other Ork forces make the Harlequins fold like a chap lacy suit with a frilly collar., one Corsair squad takes care of a Krieg infantry unit before the cavalry chop them to bits, and the final Suad survives the game just by shooting at Ork taking out one squad before succumbing to a mob of Nobs.
My erstwhile opponents, supported by Tea.
We proceeded then to spend the remainder of the day rifling through the amply supplied garage of Mr Zzzzzz for neglected and forgotten models in order to make some progress on his to do list.
Having some experience with resin, and flyers, I found myself facing a thunderbolt, a tricky kit if truth be told, but well worth the effort in the end
As it happens he has two of these, so I find myself facing another few hours assembling the other, for which I shall try to do a build guide as it isn't straight forward, and the “instructions” barely deserve the name.
All in all a splendid day, and while I am glad of the shelter due to the torrential rain, the volume levels and leaky seams made for an interesting afternoon. :)