
Sunday, 16 November 2014

Where have you been?

Well, as I cautioned you all, I ran out of content, and work is crazy (again) with a higher workload than I should have, coupled with not feeling great, its meant I've been more inclined to veg in front of a video game or crappy TV show than head up to the desk and paint in the scant hours of free time I have had.

there have however been gaming development, which I hope to share with you here sporadically over the coming weeks as I can find the time to create write ups..

Also, this happened.


Oh Dear.


Oh Dear oh Dear.


No, really now..



So that’s two starter sets, an X wing, a Y-Wing, Two B-wings, an A-Wing, a TIE fighter, TIE Advanced, TIE interceptor and 2x TIE bombers.


Star Wars – X Wing the miniatures game-  really rather a good game, lovely little miniatures, which lets face it is why we’re all here, and they come painted. and they are actually quite good. dont get me wrong, my future does hold some repaints, and the creation of asteroids and wreckage etc. but its that perfect game sales model. low buy in, little needed, but a whole hell of a lot of WANT.

So that’s happening, I still have Cadians on the bench, and Elysians, and a new squad too, I’ll post them soon(tm) I also managed a few games, but write ups either wont be forthcoming or will have to be sans pics cos the shots I have are suffering from “Kitchenus too dingius” and are therefore pants.

I shall endeavour to update you next weekend as to how things are developing on the old workbench. Till then,. Fly casual.

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