I was going to queue this and have it appear later, but as I recently showed the first member, I thought it opportune to post them in a more timely manner.

I’ve really enjoyed working on these in the short bursts I’ve been able to. to the point that I’ve plans to build a few more. These guys have come out quite well, especially considering they are on their third total rebuild and repaint.
Well okay, probably only the packs and torsos and maybe one or two pairs of legs, but back when the Y2K bug was something we all worried about these guys were Blood angels.
About four years ago they were ultramarines. now they get to be Wolves.
If you’d allow me a great heresy, there's a corner of my mind that’s desperate to convert up a Dante “counts as” and buy a couple of Stormraven to run a space wolf painted counts as blood angels jump force.
Maybe… it’s for sure the only way to get a SW SR outside of apoc.. ohh i could use em for apoc too….
Anyway, close up pics incoming.
first up, this basic grunt has been bored on the dropship and has been graffiting on his weapon.

The flamer marine is one of my favourites for the pose and dynamism, yes, space wolves use woad now. not sure why, just felt right. I expect to be doing more of it as the army progresses.
Pfist marine. and yes, if I were ever to proxy them as BA this would be the Vet Sgt. as such he’s got a bit more decoration and posher legs than his compatriots.
Another line trooper, not much about him, except that is helmet was a pita to colour match in, something about the red throws out the colour perception, makes the whole helmet look darker.
There we have it, although if you’ve got this far I do have a couple of questions.. are they finished?
I am contemplating a little damage/scratching on the plain armour expanses, and also some gore on the chainblades. I am yet undecided as to whether to go ahead with these final steps, and the advice of the community would be appreciated.
The last pic of the post sees them reunited with their Wolf preist.
More later on the scenery they find themselves amongst.
Thanks for reading!