First of the platoon of the production line
Saturday, 31 May 2014
Friday, 30 May 2014
Astra Militarum Aegis Defence Line – now with Paint!
If nothing else the Astra Militarum release has been good for getting me painting stuff I've had lying about for a while.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Half Term – a Week of posts?
Inspired by my colleague and fellow blogger Drax I’m going to try and emulate his feat of a full week of daily posts during a holiday form my job as a college teacher.
There are IG, display models, scenery and other fiddly and gribbly bits all over the workspace at the moment, so I shouldn't be short of a few things to share.
Over to the left there – that's a guard platoon – more on them later, in front of me on the right another scion conversion, more guard – the platoon command squad actually and some previously magnetised but never painted vehicle bitz that are now being pressed into service,
Up on the shelf still reside the Ork stormboy, the Elysian and the Abrites, along with Bjorn and a bunch of space wolves, they will get more attention at some point :)
Out in the garage is a bastion and some scatter hills in progress. oh and there is a Commissar and a few extra priests waiting for some attention too..
With all that to do, and a lovely weekend of gaming last week still to write about and at least one video I shot that hasn't been edited yet, I should have enough content for a week of posts.. its just down to the time and energy to get it all together..
Watch this space :)
Oh, yeah less than a week till I’ll be drawing This; still time to post on the thread if you want in!
Monday, 26 May 2014
Astra Militarum Scion and a Kasrkin
Here you can see one of the new models, side by side with one of my converted Kasrkin- hes just had a head swap. both are painted to the same tabletop standard, very quick heavy wash, as I wanted to see how they compared.
While I am still not a fan of the “twiddly bits” I can appreciate the model. what I might try with my next one is to pare back some of the more gothic detailing, and maybe use a Cadian torso, to see if I can make the Kasrkin I wish they had just made a plastic kit for instead of these “scions” :)
Such a shame really that there has been no consistency between different versions of the stormtroopers, from the plastic beret guys, the big heavy hellgun guys and the Karskin, not mentioning earlier metal efforts, the Guard player really hasn't had a consistent way to portray either stormtroopers Or guardsmen in carapace. Off the top of my head I can think of another codex entry that has had so many different appearances since it’s inception…
If nothing else they might make for a great carapace armoured company command squad, and I’ll continue to use Ebay Kasrkin for my Stormtroopers.. lets see what some experiments yield..
Friday, 23 May 2014
Monday, 19 May 2014
Friday, 16 May 2014
Monday, 12 May 2014
Works in progress – on the bench.
I have a real butterfly mind at the moment, so many things in progress. I thought I’d shame myself into completion by showing them all to you.
Saturday, 10 May 2014
I thought long and hard about this, as usually the idea of a “chain letter” type thing would find me hostile, but instead I have chosen to embrace the intent with which my blogging friend and colleague the Frothing Muppet has given me a nod, and share some of the thoughts this “award” has prompted across the internet.
In truth I have enjoyed reading the responses of other nominees and so in that spirit I write..
Eleven Truths:
- Drax and I went to the same Liberal Arts college, and somehow missed each other. I have a vague memory of someone I think was him..
- I was expelled form my first Secondary school. I am now a teacher. Now me would not have got on with then me.
- I go through phases of productive hobbying and other phases of deep procrastination. Just ask Zzzzzz how long I had his titan before it got painted.
- My first miniature purchase was the citadel Heroic Adventurers Starter Set sculpted by Bryan Ansell. I was nine.
- I don't get to play often. best case 10-12 times a year. worst case 2 or 3. I have to date played about six games of sixth edition 40k.
- One of my biggest hobby regrets is the pre-university “purge” where I sold my entire collection to date, including lots of rogue trader stuff; not that I no longer have the stuff, but that i hit a point in my life where I felt i should step away and “grow up”
- I have long hair, down below my knees. apparently I should mention that is it’s not “normal”
- I constantly plan to enter painting competitions but always seem to wuss out, sabotage myself or get sidetracked into real life(tm) and one day need to man up and actually start getting out there.
- I am one of those few who actually like Marmite.
- I have a childhood friend whose teenage Warhammer collection was almost entirely shoplifted. I do not condone this.
- I still have a pot of citadel “Brown ink” that a guard jealously and only use on special models.
- Eisenhorn or Ravenor? Gregor. The man understands what is required to win the kind of war he is fighting. I fear Ravenor’s hubris will bring him down as he doesn't recognise the truths Gregor does.
- What is your favourite aspect of the miniature hobby? the portions of the community it has brought me into contact with.
- Will dread Cthulhu rise from his sunken city of R’lyeh? Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!! La! La! Cthulhu Fhtagn!!
- What is your favourite takeaway? Chineese.
- If you could change one thing about the wargaming hobby, what would it be? the idea that this hobby should be competitive.
- Have you ever played the cRPG: Planescape: Torment? Yes. and it really is as good as people say, but in an academic way, as a game designer. the visceral experince is better created by a more acessible narrative like fallout or baldurs gate imo.
- Games Workshop’s White Dwarf magazine recently switched formats and is now weekly, thoughts? not read one yet, have read a visions.. very reassuring as the photography is so good and high res you can see all the flaws on the minis, like we can with our blog pics :)
- What miniature are you most proud of having painted? I got a striking scorpion through the regional GD when i was nineteen. he was awesome (and yeah that’s how they used to do it)
- How do you deal with burnout? I play more computer games until i feel i want to model again, and i try not to beat myself up about not making progress (though i sometimes fail at that part.)
- Why is a raven like a writing desk?
- Who is your favourite sculptor? Mark Bedford
Eleven Blogs (in no particular order):
- Sprockets small world
- Mordian 7th
- Volomir’s Blog
- Admiral Drax
- Recalcitrant Daze
- Massive Voodoo
- Wapellious
- Eternal Hunt
- Devos 4
- Palladian Guard
- Miniature Tim
I don't want to be responsible for anyone feeling like they need to respond to this with a post of their own, but if the idea appeals, and you've been enjoying reading them then please feel free.
Friday, 9 May 2014
WiP Ork StormBoy
I pulled a few of these out, as the butterfly mind is in full force, I haven't “finished” anything for ages, but progress is being made on a large number of fronts, hopefully one or two will reach completion at some stage.
I tried to model the chap in flight as the standard “landing” poses are a little dry, especially with multiple minis, I’m also trying to paint to a decent level, and the face is almost there, but there a lot still to do on the rest of him.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Landmarks – 5 Years!
We have just passed 5 years of blogging (intermittently, granted) about wargaming via this channel.
(odd, I started this in 2009, yet the data for analytics goes back to 2006?)
In light of that I wanted to reflect on a few other landmarks, talk about successful content and offer you some thing, gentle reader.
We have also just passed 450 followers, this is awesome. I know that my daily readership isn't that high, but the idea that 450+ people were kind enough to want to click through to see more of my ramblings is quite something.
I've also just passed 300,000 pageviews, which also isn't a lot for a website, but for my lil’ ol’ blog it feels like a big deal.
My most popular content of all time is My Stormtalon conversion, good news as I have footage for a video on that waiting to be edited into shape as I have two more converted up as escorts for the flying wolf circus.
Content touching on conversions from the starter sets is also always very popular, such as the AoBR grey knight conversion and the Dark Vengeance Librabrian conversion.
One of the things that makes me most pleased is that readers come form all over the world, sure the majority are English and US but there are Wargamers all over the world and this channel puts us all in touch, that's brilliant!
In light of these things I'd like to do something for at least one of you. I have sat here one of the web exclusive space marine captains, and I play guard, wolves and Orks. no real good way to convert him sooo.. I thought I'd give him away.
All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning him is be a follower and post a comment below. In the comment say whether you want him painted by me, or left unsullied, and if painted by me, then which chapter and wither based for play or display (or both). I’ll also include an option for people who dont play marines at all to talk to me about a character more suitable for thier army, let’s call that “other” and If i draw your name out of the hat, I'll speak with you via email about it.
So make sure in the comment to include the keywords above as appropriate and we’ll go from there.
Thanks for reading the ramble, may the 4th be with you!
(oh yeah, end date, I want people to have time to see this, so i’ll randomise the winnder on the 1st of June)
Friday, 2 May 2014
WiP Elysian
New paint scheme I’m trying for a specific purpose – diorama rather than playing piece. I’m still trying to raise the game here, and losing perspective a wee bit – I’ll probably throw him on a decent quality painting forum and brace myself for a mauling.