
Friday 29 August 2014

Astra Militarum Techpriest Enginseer


Another tabletop paintjob to get the guy out of the plastic pile and onto the board, reasonably happy with it, not a lot you can do to tart these up there being so much metal. I suppose i could go for a chequered robe border in black and white, and might once time allows.

DSC_8624 DSC_8625 DSC_8626

I've also taken to using servo skulls as CC servitors simply because decent models for them are hard to come by, there are only to my mind one set of decent servitors and they come with a techmarine in tow, making it a costly enterprise.



  1. Excellent work, man! Love the distressed metal color on the tech priest's armor in particular - looks fantastic!

  2. He is a cool mini to be sure but like you I stumbled painting mine as I didn't have much idea what to do once the armour and robes were blocked in. I had similar problems with my recent preacher model. Lots of robe and not the confidence to edge the hem.

    In other news Blogger is slow updating my roll. I'm three posts behind where you are up to in your posts. I only knew you had more posts out there as a result of Draxs tag in his most recent post.

    1. Yesh I will go back and give him some trim, once I am "feeling it" but at the time there wasnt any further I wanted to do with him

  3. always enjoy seeing techpriests getting painted. Good job dude

  4. Great looking Techpriest. I like the idea of using servo skulls as cc servitors.

  5. Nice work, the techpriest is a beautifull mini. Your servoskull are very nice.
    Good job !

  6. I'm now imagining the Closecombatservitorskulls flying around and nibbling through their opponents power and hydraulic cables...

    1. See I always think of the FW skulls, that have like, pincers and flamers..

    2. That or Mort from planescape:torment

  7. Thanks everyone, much appreciated :)


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