
Sunday 20 March 2011

Post 150!

Something of a milestone.

Technically I know I should be higher than that by now, but the time off didn't help.

What I find amazing still is just how many people read this. At time of writing I have 235 followers. Thank you all for being interested enough to click that button, it’s a real spur to continuing to post to think that people are interested.

Beyond that, Google analytics tells me more people even than this read the blog.

In fact since I started recording Data it tells me that over fifteen thousand unique visitors have seen the site. and there have been over fifty thousand page views.

Now I know this is peanuts to some sites such as BoLS etc, but to me that’s a HUGE deal. So thank you.

And thank you yet more if you take any of your own time to pop a comment on a post here. It means a lot to know people are out there.

Analytics also tells me that 83% of my visits come from referring sites, that's blog networks, blogrolls and other people’s links. I’m very grateful to anyone who links me on their pages, it’s always very flattering and it always gives my site a boost in visitor numbers.

With that in mind, one thing I wanted to do with my 150th post was bring a couple of blogs that really deserve more attention to your notice. Indulge me if you will please, and check out -

Phil over at Ruinous Powers who has a whole bunch of Chaos themed stuff going on, for both fantasy and 40k, including some eye catching thousand sons.

Brian Carlson at the Imaginatively Titled Brian Carlson Miniatures who has work that is just too cool for more people not to see it.

FromtheFang at, you guessed it From the Fang who runs a cool blog too, but he's also getting the whole Blog Wars Thing going, and it would be criminal of those of us within range of the UK not to embrace this opportunity to meet and talk crap. so he needs more readers too!

Here’s hoping those three, and the rest of you get as much out of these blog as I have from mine thus far. And if I didn't give you a shout out in this thread it’s not because I don't value your blog or your words, more that I have the attention span of a newt and can only make three links before i start to wander off and…


  1. You've done great work. Congrats!

  2. Congrats on the achievement! Your blog has been an inspiration, and you have some mad skills when it comes to churning out projects. Keep up the great work.

  3. Congrats, and thanks for the shout out!

  4. Congrats on the 150 milestone! Keep up the great work!

  5. Yeah, congrats from me too. I have found this blog only recently but it is really inspiring! Keep it up!

  6. What can I say to that?

    Thankyou everyone :)

    I genuinely do appreciate the time taken to read, and more to respond to my sometimes rambling posts.

    heres to 150 more!


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